Saturday, June 7, 2008

Why 'Did u Say .NET ?'

Hi ,

I am poisoned with .NET. Bill Gates is my Passion. Microsoft is my Weakness. But my weakness is my biggest strength.

Im a software professional.

There are only 2 weakness in my life - C# and ASP.NET. You wont understand, how passionate im with .NET. No one can ever realise it.

I spend my free time with Visual Studio. The best & the biggest editor build by any company in the world.

Im not a genuis, but i know how to ride Visual Studio wisely. I know how to solve problems.

Yes! How to

I post only those things that are worked-out by me. Those i feel to be a common problem. Those which im passionated to. Those i feel common peoples need.

And Im always listening you, to hear... -

Did you say .NET...
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